
Saturday, September 15, 2007

The best UFO hoax film in history

Take one look at this short film, and you'll think someone had a real Close Encounter in Haiti. Scroll down for more information. 

Well, it turns out it's a hoax. According to, the creator of the film --a professional computer animator only known as Barzolff814 on YouTube, created the film as research for a feature film he's working on. The film is about two people who create a UFO hoax so real, it spirals out of control.

All of this was confirmed by the Los Angeles Times with the production company Partizan, who is working with Barzolff814 (whose real name, it turns out, is David Nicolas).

As a fan of computer animation, the UFO phenomenon, and Science Fiction, I have to say the quality of Barzolff's film is amazing. A friend of mine who is a computer animator told me that the secret of digital effects is in the lighting. Everything in this UFO film looks like it belongs there. I would argue that perspective is another thing that has to be perfect -- the way the UFOs float above the trees is unnerving. Of course, Barzolff's use of sound also helps to trick you. The person gasping in disbelief reminds you of what you would do in this same situation.

It's interesting to note from the LA Times interview that life is, once again, imitating art. Like the premise for the film he's working on, even though this film being proven as a hoax, people still believe it's real.

If this clip is any indication of Barzolff's talent, the feature film could be very interesting indeed.


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