
Sunday, March 15, 2020

Pandemic 2020: The story so far

It's been a little over 3 years since I posted to this blog. Given the historic pandemic with COVID-19, it seemed like a good time to start up again.

Here's a timeline of events:
  • Late December, 2019: A pneumonia of unknown cause starts showing up in Wuhan, China. The virus is eventually linked to the coronavirus, which is also responsible for SARS and MERS.
  • Jan 21, 2020: The first confirmed case of the virus is reported in the United States in Washington state. The man had returned from Wuhan, China. He recovers two weeks later.
  • Jan 30: The World Health Organization (WHO) declares a public health emergency.
  • Feb 11: WHO names the novel coronavirus "COVID-19."
  • COVID 19 spreads throughout the United States and the world during February, hitting Italy, Hong Kong, and South Korea especially hard.
  • Feb 29: The first death is reported in the United States. The person is a resident of the EvergreenHealth nursing home in Kirkland, Washington. Many of the residents test positive for COVID-19, and to date 29 have died (out of 41 total in the U.S.).
  • March 6: I start working from home full-time.
  • March 7: The world passes 100,000 cases.
  • March 11: WHO declares COVID-19 a pandemic. This sets off a chain reaction of event cancellations across Washington and the United States. Schools in Seattle are canceled--first for two weeks, and then for over a month.
  • March 13, President Trump declares a national emergency and invokes the Stafford Act.


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